Did System of a Down take singing lessons?

Singing journey: System of a Down

Singing lessons, teachers, coaches & vocal technique uncovered

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Mastering the Vocal Techniques of System of a Down's Serj Tankian

Did you know that Serj Tankian, the iconic lead vocalist of System of a Down, is largely self-taught in his unique singing style? His exceptional range and ability to mix genres from metal to opera showcase his innate talent and self-directed learning approach. However, that doesn’t mean aspiring singers can’t learn from his techniques or follow a similar path to vocal mastery.

Firstly, understanding your voice is crucial. Tankian has a broad vocal range that he artfully applies across System of a Down’s diverse discography. Begin by taking a vocal range test to know where you stand and use this information to choose songs that suit your voice, just as Tankian chooses pieces that showcase his dynamic range.

Focus on developing a strong sense of pitch accuracy, something Tankian excels at, especially in live performances. A great way to improve this is by practicing with the Pitch Accuracy Test and engaging in pitch training exercises available at Pitch Training.

Emulating Tankian’s vocal agility and his ability to switch between registers seamlessly requires an understanding of voice registers & vocal break, as well as practice in transitioning smoothly between them. Vocal exercises focused on Voice Break and Mixed Voice can be particularly beneficial here.

Moreover, Tankian’s distinctive sound is not just about his vocal prowess but also his emotional delivery and performance energy. Articles on Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking can offer insights on how to bring more passion and expression to your performances. Additionally, mastering Vocal Distortion & Growling techniques through targeted practice can help achieve a gritty sound similar to Tankian’s.

Last but not least, vocal health is paramount. Tankian, despite the demanding nature of his performances, has maintained a strong voice throughout his career. Consistent practice, proper warm-up exercises like the 3 Minute Warm Up, and adhering to healthy vocal habits as outlined in Vocal Health can ensure longevity in your singing career.

Although Serj Tankian didn’t follow the traditional path of singing lessons and coaching, his journey underscores the importance of self-education, practice, and passion for music. By leveraging resources like those offered by Singing Carrots, singers at any stage can embark on a journey to enhance their skills and potentially mirror the success of artists like Tankian.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.

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